5 Example How AI Is Already Used in Our Everyday Life

1.   Open your phone with face ID
One of the first things many people do each morning is to reach for their smartphones. And,
when your device gets unlocked using biometrics such as with face ID, it's using artificial
intelligence to enable that functionality. Apple’s FaceID can see in 3D. It lights up your face
and places 30,000 invisible infrared dots on it and captures an image. It then uses machine
learning algorithms to compare the scan of your face with what it has stored about your face
to determine if the person trying to unlock the phone is you or not. Apple states the chance
of fooling FaceID is one in a million.  

2.   Social media
After unlocking their phones, what's next? Many people check out their social media
accounts, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and more, to get updated on what
happened overnight. Not only is artificial intelligence working behind the scenes to
personalize what you see on your feeds (because it's learned what types of posts most
resonate with you based on past history), it's figuring out friend suggestions, identifying and
filtering out fake news and machine learning is working to prevent cyberbullying.  

3. Send an email or message
Every day most of us will send an email (or several). Tools such as Grammarly and spell
check activate when you compose your email to help you draft messages free from errors.
These tools use artificial intelligence and natural language processing. On the receiving end
of your messages, spam filters use artificial intelligence to either block emails that are
suspected as spam or identify an email as something your recipient would like to receive in
their inbox. Anti-virus software uses machine learning as well to protect your email account.

4.   Google search
Most of us can’t go a day without searching Google for an answer or a product we can’t live
without. Search engines couldn’t scan the entire internet and deliver what you want without
the assistance of artificial intelligence. Those ads that seem to follow you around? Yep,
those are enabled by AI, are based on your search history and are personalized to you with
the goal of getting items in front of you that the algorithms believe you will value.

5.   Digital voice assistants
From getting directions to your lunch spot to inquiring about the weather for your weekend
getaway, digital voice assistants are quickly becoming our can’t-live-without co-pilots through
life. These tools from Siri and Alexa to Google Home and Cortana, use natural language
processing and generators driven by AI to return answers to you.

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