IIUM mySMS Services FAQ for IIUM Students

  1. What is IIUM mySMS Services?
  2. Who can use these services?
  3. How do I use these services?
  4. What type of information can I request via mySMS?
  5. What number shall I send the SMS to?
  6. I am a prepaid user,� can I use the services as well?
  7. How much do these services cost?
  8. If I send SMS in the wrong format, can I still receive the information?
  9. If I have problems using the services, to whom shall I talk to?

1. What is IIUM mySMS Services?

IIUM mySMS Services is a new service that allows IIUM students to request for information using SMS. It allows retrieval of information in the IIUM environment, complementing existing method such as using website, poster or announcement.

2. Who can use these services?

All IIUM students excluding CFS, iFLA and other SBU (Advanced Engineering and Innovation Centre, Harun M.Hashim Law Centre, Management Centre, Centre for Human Development and Applied Social Sciences, etc) students are eligible to use the services. You will need a mobile phone and a valid student ID to use these services.

3. How do I use these services?

  1. You must register your mobile number via i-Ma'luum Student Portal. Please refer to the mySMS Mobile Registration User Guide for the steps.
  2. You will need to send SMS in a standard format depending on the information you would like to receive. Please refer to the IIUM mySMS Services User Manual for the SMS format.

4. What type of information can I request via mySMS?

Currently, students can request for the following information:

 Check Exam Result Status

 Check Lecturer and Class Schedule/Timetable

 Check Course Registered

5. What number shall I send the SMS to?

Students shall send the SMS to 15888 ( mySMS ).

    6. I am a prepaid user, can I use the services as well?

    The services are only available for Maxis, Celcom� and DiGi ( Both� for prepaid and post paid ).

    7. How much do these services cost?

    A charge for sending SMS is RM 0.15 per SMS. The charges for receiving SMS ( the information that you requested for) is RM 0.20 per SMS.

    8. If I send SMS in the wrong format, can I still receive the information?

    No, you will receive SMS to inform you that you have sent the SMS in the wrong format and as such, the information requested could not be retrieved.

    9. If I have problems using the services, to whom shall I talk to?

    Please refer to Information Technology Division, International Islamic University Malaysia. You can also email to servicedesk@iium.edu.my or call our ITD Service Desk at ext. 2222 or 03 - 6196 5211 (direct line).

    Please state your full name and matric number for record purposes.



    While the information contained herein is accurate at the date of publication, International Islamic University Malaysia reserves the right to alter procedures and regulations should the need arise.

    The information disseminated via SMS is as correct as of the time and date of the message received.



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