Make Submission

Successful submission of the application will notify the KULLIYAH to approve or reject the application via email. For KULLIYAH, only application with the same Kulliyah will be notified

  1. Click on My Repository.
  2. Click on MyRa
  3. Click Make Submission to proceed.
  4. You can also click on the Welcome Card to proceed
  5. Click on the Submit button of the chosen item
  6. The staff name, staff number, and kulliyah will be automatically filled in
  7. Fill in the rest of field and its required fields.
  8. Tick For MyRa Purpose if the submission is for MyRa. Else, leave it untick by default.
  9. If you want to Save as Draft, choose Save as Draft option under Draft | Submit field
  10. If you are ready to Submit , choose Ready to Submit option under Draft | Submit field
  11. Click Proceed to commit the changes.
  12. A pop-up message will be shown for a successful application's creation.
  13. Click See My Submitted Application to see all of your applications.

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