RHB MySiswa Debit Card-i

This manual serves as a guide for students to submit their application for RHB MySiswa Debit Card-i through the i-Ma'luum Student Portal.

1. Click the application link. You may either click:

a. The RHB MySiswa Debit Card-i link on the left menu, or

b. The RHB MySiswa Debit Card-i banner on the Dashboard.


2. Read the Student Consent Statements on Kad Prihatin Siswa.


3. Click the link provided and read the product disclosure sheet/consent document.


4. After reading the product disclosure sheet/consent document, close the window and go back to the i-Ma'luum Student Portal.


5. Check your details, click the AGREE button to submit your application.

** If the button AGREE is locked, refer to step number 3.


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