Update Phone Number

Students can update their phone number if it is incorrect or when using a new phone number.

  1. Login: Go to https://imaluum.iium.edu.my and login to your account.

  2. Dashboard: Click on the "My Services" section located on the left sidebar of your dashboard.

  3. My Services: You will see the My Services page as shown below. Click on the "MY SMS" module.

  4. Phone Number Update Form: A modal form titled "Change Number MySMS" will appear.
    a)   Enter your new phone number and SMS pin, then click "Submit".

    b)  If you are a new student, you will need to register phone number. After clicking the "MY SMS" module, you will be redirected to the Self Mobile Registration form as below.
  5. Complete Registration: Follow the instructions and provide any required information.
  6. All set: Your phone number has been successfully updated.
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