Guidelines on Announcements through IIUM email, staff & student portals

 Guidelines on announcements through IIUM email, staff & student portals



International Islamic University Malaysia


Information Technology Division

 Document Change Log


Release Version


Pages Affected

Remarks/Change Reference

Version 1.0

March 2021


Endorsement from ITD Management


Responsibility and Activity Log





Submission Date

Approval Date

Khairani Che Ibrahim

Submission to ITD Management





This document aims to provide guidelines for making announcements through the IIUM email, staff, and student portals. 





The International Islamic University Malaysia, otherwise known   as the “University”


Information and Communication Technology


Information Technology Division

ITD Management

Chief Information Officer, Director, and Deputy Information Technology Officers of ITD

Announcement channels

IIUM email, staff portal and student portal


Service Level Agreement

IIUM email 

Staff portal

Student portal


Kulliyyah, Centre, Division, Institute, Office, Mahallah


  1.        GUIDELINES

The following guidelines are as follows: 

3.1  General guidelines:

3.1.1 All announcements must be made through the proper announcement channels. 

3.1.2 The use of announcements should directly support the academic, teaching, learning, research and administrative services of the University.

3.1.3 Only announcements that require all University staff and students' attention are allowed to be announced through the proper announcement channels.

3.1.4 No advertisements or personal matters will be allowed.

3.1.5 Any dissemination of the announcement message outside the University with the intent to discredit the University is liable for disciplinary measures.

3.1.6 The announcers/requestors are responsible for making sure that the announcements are grammatically correct and understandable for their intended audience. The University will not be liable for any misinterpretation or misunderstanding of the message.

3.1.7 The announcers/requestors are responsible for all replies, responses, and complaints regarding the announcement.

3.1.8 All announcements shall be in text format only and its size should not exceed 1000KB.

3.1.9 Announcements through the email announcement should be directly related to the University's academic, teaching, learning, research, and administrative services.

3.1.10 The following announcements should be announced through the staff portal and NOT through email announcement:

  • Webinar, training, courses, talks, lectures, workshops, competitions, etc (except for major University events, academic staff training by CPD, and admin staff training by MSD).
  • Message of Condolences
  • Congratulatory Messages
  • Retirement Messages
  • Khutbah for Friday prayers
  • Office closures and notices of minimum strength for KCDIOM (except for IHWC)
  • Vacancy for part-time staff
  • Vacancy for posts from other universities
  • Seasonal greetings such as Hari Raya greetings 

3.1.11 Announcements related to students and student activities should be announced in the student portal.

3.2 Email Announcements

3.2.1 All email announcements must be requested through the official IIUM announcement email ( 

3.2.2 All email announcements should follow the terms and conditions set forth in the recently approved SLA.

3.2.3. All email announcements should include the name of the requestor, the department, the designation, email address and telephone extension.

3.2.4 Email announcements should only have one image. If there is more than one image, it will be inserted using a link to Google Drive.

3.2.5 Any file attachments should be shared using Google Drive links and the sharing permission should be set to be viewed by IIUM staff only.

3.3 Staff Portal Announcements

3.3.1 Each KCDIOM shall have a representative that is assigned to make announcements through the staff portal.

3.3.2 The representatives are responsible to make the announcements from the respective KCDIOM through the staff portal.

3.4 Student Portal Announcements

3.4.1 Each KCDIOM shall have a representative that is assigned to make announcements through the student portal.

3.4.2 The representatives are responsible to make the announcements from the respective KCDIOM through the student portal.



4.1  The Director of Information Technology Division holds the responsibility for the implementation of these guidelines and shall take necessary actions in the event of a violation of this guideline. 

4.2 These guidelines are applicable to the University community and any infringement of the guidelines may be subject to disciplinary actions and any other actions deemed necessary.



 5.1  All staff and students of the University.


  1.                 MAINTENANCE OF GUIDELINES

6.1    The Information Technology Division is responsible for the formulation and maintenance of these guidelines. 



7.1      This guidelines shall be read together with the following or any documents which have been recently approved:

7.1.1.    ICT Regulations

7.1.2.   Policy for email services

7.1.3.   ITD Service Level Agreement for Staff & Student

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