2.6 Training

2.6.1   Training for Student Leaders

  1. The newly elected presidents and secretaries or representatives of student organisation are given leadership and management training organised by the STADD. The students will be exposed to skills in managing the student organisation, teambuilding, University policies and procedures, protocols, event management, etc. The training is known as Induction Course for Student Leaders (I-LEAD).


2.6.2   Training for other members.

  1. All student organisation should organise their own induction courses for all the committee members to familiarise them with the procedures and management of the respective student organisation. The contents of the training are similar to I-LEAD but customised according to the nature of the student organisation
  2. Special training courses are also organised for special interest student organisation such as uniform-based, entrepreneurship, culture and community service by the respective unit or department throughout the year.
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