8.2 Management of STARS

All programmes are to be recorded in the STARS by the staff in-charge. Depending on who organises the programme, the record entry is made at:

  1. STADD for student organisation supervised by STADD.
  2. Sports Development Centre (SDC) for sports and recreational based programmes.
  3. Respective Office of the Deputy Dean in-charge of student affairs for kulliyyah-based societies.
  4. Respective Office of the Mahallah for Mahallah-based activities.
  5. Office of International Affairs (OIA) for student organisation supervised by OIA.
  6. Centre for Community Engagement and Services (CENSERVE) for community services activities.
  7. Entrepreneurship Development Centre (EDC) for entrepreneurship activities.
  8. IIUM World Debate and Oratory Centre (IWON) for debating activities.
  9. Centre for Arts & Cultural Sustainable Development (CiTRA) for cultural activities
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