5.8 Guideline on Submission of Working Papers

  1. Students are required to fill:
    1. For students driven programme; Programme Proposal Form (PPF)
    2. For joint programmes: Joint Programme Form (JPF) for approval from each organization
    3. For change of programme; Change Programme Form (CPF)
    4. For Selling /Cooking Programme; Student Bazaar Form (SBF)
  2. Student should discuss with the Advisor OR OIC concerning the details of the programme.
  3. Students are encouraged to prepare and submit proposals to the respective authorities early to ensure the smooth process of approval.
  4. All proposal papers and completed forms must be submitted to the OIC according to the duration stipulated as below:



University/club level

Not less than 21 days before the date of programme

National level

Not less than 3 months before the date of programme

Regional/International level

Not less than 6 months before the date of programme.

Programmes that require sponsorship regardless of level

Not less than 3 months before the date of programme


Not less than 9 days before the date of the programme

  • The approval authority reserves the right to approve applications which are lesser than the stipulated periods
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