3.18 Brochures and Student Organisation’s Website
- Student organisation brochures are summarised information about the student organisation concerned. All central student organisation should have brochures to promote their activities. The contents of the brochure must be checked and approved by the OIC.
- Basic contents of the brochure may include:
- Student organisation’s logo;
- Introduction of the student organisation;
- Mission;
- Vision;
- Objectives;
- Nature;
- Activities;
- Organisational chart;
- Office address & contact number; and
- Pictures
- Student organisation may create official websites to promote their activities. All websites of the central student organisation must be approved by the relevant authorities. The Kulliyyah Based Societies, associations and MRC should get approval from the office of the respective Deputy Dean of student affairs or Mahallah Principal who are responsible to monitor the contents of the websites.
- Procedures in creating websites are as follows: -
- A form (available at the respective office) must be filled in.
- The recommendation of the OIC of the unit concerned must be obtained.
- The layout and contents of the website must be shown to the web administrator at the respective supervising authority for approval.
- A web representative must be appointed in order to access the student organisation’s accounts.
- The student organisation’s representative is responsible for providing information and maintaining the contents of the website.
- All web pages must adhere to the University policies and guidelines. The OIC of the student organisation is responsible for monitoring the content of student organisation’s website and has the right to remove anything in violation of the said policies and guidelines.
- Basic contents of a website include: -
- Introduction and background of the student organisation;
- Mission;
- Vision;
- Objectives;
- Nature;
- Activities;
- Achievements;
- Organisational chart;
- Network;
- Number of active members;
- Club ethics; and
- Testimonials
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