5.22 Report of Programme

The report of the programme must be submitted to the approving authority 14 days after the completion of the programme. Use the Programme Report Form (PRF).

  1. The report should include the following but not limited to:
    1. Achievement of the objectives;
    2. Postmortem on any shortcomings;
    3. Suggestions to improve similar future programmes;
    4. Actual number of participants;
    5. Actual programme schedule (not as given while applying for the approval of programme);
    6. Name of guest(s);
    7. Evaluation of the programme;
    8. Attach pictures of the programme (4R);
    9. Complete list of working committee and participants with their respective matriculation numbers;
    10. Conclusion; and/or
    11. Signature of the programme secretary who prepares the report.
  2. The Financial Report of the programme should be submitted within 14 days after the completion of the programme. The report must include the following:
    1. State the income (fees/sponsors/tickets) and expenditure of the programme (Please attach the relevant receipts/document)
    2. All original receipts must be pasted neatly on A4 size paper with a heading on expenses on each page and certified by the advisor/Principal/Fellow/OIC;
    3. Plain receipts must be stamped by the company/shop;
    4. Expenditure without receipts must be written on a piece of A4 paper with details of purchase and certified by the advisor/Principal/Fellow;
    5. If double receipts are obtained, please paste either one;
    6. The treasurer of the programme must submit a copy of the financial report to the approving authority even though the programme is self- sponsored;
    7. Items of expenditure must be tally with the items approved on the working paper/proposal; and
    8. The report must be signed by the programme treasurer.

NO reimbursement shall be entertained more than 3 months from the last date of the programme

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