5.3. Guideline on Budgeting

  1. Financial assistance from the University should be construed as an initial operating budget to conduct the programme. Student organisation should plan their activities according to availability of budget.
  2. As a guideline, the following list provides the maximum allocation of budget for student programmes:



1) Refreshment:

- Seminar/Workshop
-Team Building /Induction course
It is recommended that the programme is being held

internally, except with the approval by the higher authority.

5.00 10.00 5.00 Refer Appendix B:
Finance Division Circular No.2 Year
Opening Ceremony (Non-VIP) 7.00 10.00 5.00 2.2 (2)
Opening Ceremony (VVIP) Max up to RM50  
2) Appreciation Programmes for office bearers of student organisation should be organised by the respective offices. (eg. Ta’aruf Committee appreciation, ISC Appreciation, MRC appreciation, etc.) Maximum RM15 per head  
3) Daily meals allowance outside IIUM (including
tournament) if meals are NOT provided by
For programme without accommodation
Maximum RM25 per day/per head  
4) Programme outside IIUM
i. Student organization
ii. Department Driven

Max: RM 50.00 per day/ per head
Max: RM70.00
(package including meals &


5) Allowance for selected student representing the
University (Oversea programmes)

Overseas: RM 50 per day

Refer Appendix D: (policy no.5 in student related matters section of manual of Financial Policies and Procedures)
6) Allowance for appointed Student Facilitators
/Secretariat (Department-driven programmes only)

RM10 per day/ per head
Maximum RM 150

7) AGM


8) Promotion booth (per semester)

RM 200 maximum per programme


* Subject to availability of the budget

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