5.2. Writing A Proposal/Working Paper

  1. A proposal/working paper is considered as the foundation of a programme because the facts and figures mentioned would form the basis of how solid the project would be. Write correct and concise information in the proposal. The proposal/working paper must be written in English. However, the Malay version of the paper may be prepared if needed.
  2. A proposal shall consist of:
    1. details of the programme; and
    2. budget
  3. You SHOULD USE the following guideline to prepare programme proposal:
    1. Introduction of programme;
    2. Objective of programme;
    3. Details of programme (Date, day, time, venue, target participant, speakers profile);
    4. Organising Committee (job scope, if necessary);
    5. Programme Schedule;
    6. Budget;
    7. Conclusion;
    8. Approving authority;
    9. Prepared by: secretary of programme;
    10. Checked by: president or secretary of student organisation;
    11. Recommended by: advisor/fellow/OIC; and
    12. Approved by: relevant authority.
  4. Please take note of the following:
    1. Programme Agenda
      1. A complete programme schedule inclusive of time, date, venue, slot(s), proposed topics, and proposed speakers should be included.
      2. The profile of the proposed speakers must be attached.
      3. The reserve list of speakers for all topics should also be included. All proposed speakers and topic must be relevant to the programme.
      4. Use “programme schedule” instead of “tentative programme” for the finalised programme.
    2. Organising CommitteeOrganizing committee may comprise of Patron, Steering Committee and Working Committee.
      1. Patron - Student MAY propose a patron for international, national, or university depending on the level of the programme.
        • Name of the proposed patron, taking into account the relevance and level of the programme i.e., international, national, or university.
        • The consent from the proposed patron should be sought once the programme has been approved by a letter through the office of the approving authority of the programme. (Please refer to the guideline on letter writing in this e-book.)
        • The approval of the programme does not mean that the patron is automatically appointed.
        • Please name only one patron for the whole programme; hence sub-programmes are not allowed to have separate patron.
      2. Steering committee - The steering committee consists of the advisor/s, OIC and programme manager.
        • List not more than three (3) advisors, together with their respective posts. You may have only one advisor if the programme does not involve collaboration with other organisations.
        • These advisors are responsible for overseeing the organisation of the particular programme.
      3. Working Committee – The working committee normally consists of the following posts:
        • Ex-officio (One of the office bearers of the organisation);
        • Programme manager;
        • Secretary;
        • Treasurer/Finance controller;
        • Programme Coordinator; and
        • Other relevant committee members.
          • List down the full names of the committee, with matriculation number (compulsory) and contact numbers for easy reference.
          • For simple or small scale programmes, you can create just the working committee without a steering committee.
      4. Budget
        1. Estimated Expenditure:






  • Stationery
  • Telephone/stamp/fax
  • Printing: working paper, invitation, souvenir / programme book
  • Other related matters


Honorarium/Souvenir for Speakers and VIPs

  • The honorarium depends on the nature of the task such as officiator, speaker, panelist, trainer, or facilitator.
  • For honorarium to speaker, panelist, trainer, facilitator and moderator, please refer to MSD guideline.



Publicity would be in the form of printed materials i.e.: banners, posters, backdrops, pamphlets or broadcast and social media.


  • The  programme  committee  may  apply  for university transportation subject to approval and availability of the transport.
  • Any   travelling   cost   incurred   for   the programme   should   be   included   in   the proposal (ie: fuel, toll, parking fare, etc).


  • The committee may provide refreshment for speakers, guests and participants. Please state in detail the rate and the number of meals provided.  (Refer  to  Appendix  B  -  Finance Division Circular No. 5/2010)·
  • Food operator must be registered with IIUM (except for programme organised outside the campus).



  • Please state the location and the rate of accommodation


Rented Facilities

  • The committee may request for venues, AV equipment, etc.
  • Any  rented  facilities  from  outside.  (Please refer  to  Appendix  C  –  Policy  No.  4, Collection Management Section of Manual of Financial Policies and Procedures).



Not more than 5% of overall budget.


Total Expenditure

Overall budget.


2. Expected Income:

No. Item Details
1. Sponsors Please attach the list of prospective sponsors
2. Registration fees/ticket Please indicate the amount charged to the participants
3. Kulliyyah/Centre/Division/Institute/Office/Mahallah Please attach the approval from relevant authority
4. Other Related matters Income raised by the societies (eg: advertising in the souvenir book)
5. Total expected income Overall expected budget


  1. Conclusion

Provide a summary on why the programme should be considered for approval in the conclusion.

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