2.7 Benefits

Participation in student organisation’ activities provides students with experiences that lead to significant personal and intellectual development and help them towards increasing social competence. Students who participate in these activities will get the following benefits:


2.7.1.  Soft Skills

Active student can develop at least seven types of skills through the activities:

  • Communication skills;
  • Critical thinking and problem solving skills;
  • Team building skills;
  • Long-life learning;
  • Entrepreneurship skills;
  • Professional and moral ethics skills; and/or
  • Leadership skills.


2.7.2.  Co-Curricular Activity Cumulative Point (CACP)

IIUM has developed a merit point system to reward the students who participate in student organisation activities. This system is called Student Activity Record System (STARS). Students will obtain CACP for each activity they participate. The points will depend on the followings:


Type of activity: -

  1. Level of programme – international, national, university or student organisation level;
  2. Level of participation – main committee, committee or participant;
  3. Achievement in competition; and
  4. Level of membership in student organisation – main committee, committee,
  5. ordinary member.

The total points gained by the student will be converted to CACP. The maximum CACP a student can get is 4.0. The system will record details of student activities throughout their study in IIUM. Upon graduation, they may request for their co-curricular activity transcript from STADD.


2.7.3.  Convocation Award

There are numbers of awards given to excellent students during the annual convocation. The CACP is part of criteria for the selection of award recipients for all the awards beside the candidates’ academic achievements.


2.7.4.  Certificates

Certificates of recognition are normally awarded to the office bearers of the student organisation at the end of their tenure. The committee may request to print certificate of appreciation for sub-committee members or certificate of participation/ attendance for participants after the completion of a programme.

The types of programme whose participants should be awarded certificates are as follows:




Signed By




International Level Programmes

Deputy Rector (SA)

Same level or higher

National Level Programmes

Deputy Rector (SA)

Same level or higher

University Level Programmes

Deputy Rector (SA) / Dean / Director

Same level or higher

Other programmes

Dean/Deputy Dean/ Deputy

Director/Principal/ Advisor

Same level or higher

Note: The Rector will sign academic scrolls only.

Certificates SHOULD NOT be given for the following programmes:

  1. Programmes without approval from the University authority;
  2. Leisure programmes;
  3. Social gathering/dinner;
  4. Briefing;
  5. Attending AGM; or
  6. Compulsory programmes.
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