7.3 Steps for Seeking Sponsorship

The list below shows the steps to be followed: -

  1. Submit the details of sponsors (company name, address and contact person) to the officer in-charge for checking and approval.
  2. All letters to the sponsors must be sent through the approving authorities.
  3. All letters must be written in English. However, special exceptions may be given on a case-by-case basis.
  4. All cheques from sponsors must be made payable to the “IIUM OPERATING ACCOUNT”. (BMMB Account No.: 1407-000000-4716)
  5. All cash received must be submitted to the approving authority to enable the issuance of receipt to the sponsors for the purpose of tax deductions.
  6. All claims of cash/cheques from sponsors must be made by the treasurer of the programme through the OIC. Upon receiving the cheque/cash from the sponsors, original IIUM receipt will be issued by the Finance Division to the respective sponsors.
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